May is Santacruzan month. We’ll be seeing a lot of processions all over featuring the fairest ladies of the town. But every 4th of May, Marikina’s Santacruzan is different: they showcase the fairest gays of them all. 

And not just local gays—some have come from other places in the country, because it’s also pageant night, and pageants are always a big deal. These gays, if they were women, would easily be in the Very Beautiful category. They are beautiful, period. VMX joined the festivities and here's our visual capture: 

Marikina’s Gay Santacruzan has been a tradition since 1971, when a group of local gays decided to present their own version of the May parade for fun. Over time it got bigger and bigger, until it became one of the City’s highlight annual event. It is now run by a gay association, with many of its members holding esteemed positions in Marikina’s social circle. 

The recent Pride March was held in this city. It must have felt like home for the revelers, because Marikina was LGBT-proud long before it was a thing.