Teka, di ba Pasig and Makati are next-door neighbors?

We checked Google maps and, yes, they are neighbors. The fastest route from Pasig to Makati that the Google algorithm plotted has a distance of 8.6 km that, with usual traffic, will take you 19 minutes to traverse. 

Now, we don’t know what Google means by “usual traffic.” The usual traffic all of us are experiencing right now? If that’s the case then 19 minutes to travel a distance of less than 10 kilometers is already warp speed. 

But that’s not what many Pasigueños and others who find themselves stuck in the area during morning rush hour are saying. Many have been going to Twitter to air their frustrations, from having to waste up to three hours from Pasig to Makati to losing a full two hours going from one point in Pasig to another point in Pasig (that you could have easily covered if you had walked). Here are some of them:

Many agree that the cause seems to be Pasig’s suspension of the Odd-Even scheme in key areas in the city. This is on top of the number coding scheme Metro Manila already has in place. 

The removal of the said scheme was one of the first order of business of Pasig’s new Mayor  that Vico Sotto. So now we have a dilemma: he had the policy removed because someone brought up the issue on social media and he agreed that the scheme should be removed. But having it removed now presents a new set of problems for the city. 

So ikaw, whether you’re a Pasigueño or no, as long as you’re suffering through the same ordeal of heavy traffic, anong opinyon mo sa suspension ng Odd-Even scheme sa Pasig. We’d love to hear your comments.