1. There’s a car in Braveheart

Skip to the 1:24 mark of the clip and wonder why the guys in Braveheart even bothered with horses when there were cars back in the day.

2. Nike x Bagani

This collab is lit.

3. Gladiator and gas powered chariots

Why only settle for 2 horsepower (get it?) when you can power your chariot with good ol’ unleaded gasoline as can be seen at the 2:13 mark of this video?

4. Pirates of the Caribbean cowboy

He’s only there for a split second (0:13) but Captain Jack Sparrow apparently had a cowboy in his crew. To you, this is a mistake. To us, it is the perfect set up for an epic cowboy pirate crossover movie.

5. Starbucks branch in Westeros

We always thought Daenerys would be a milk tea drinker. Oh and btw, if the most talked about thing for this season is a misplaced Starbucks cup (and how dark last episode was), then it hasn’t been a great season so far.