Marline is truly a vision of perfection!
You should do an abs workout vid if you haven't already, Marline!
This photo is 100% fierce!
Two forces of nature in one photo!
Marline works hard for that body!
We qualify the tag we bestow to Marline Capones as the New Body Beautiful in deference to the original body beautiful of Philippine Showbiz, Ms. Vivian Velez. Now all you kids who are all choked up on your online games need to google the name "Vivian Velez" in order to gain some knowledge about the history of beautiful Pinay women. Then you'll know that if we were to go by the criteria with which Ms. Velez has been dubbed Miss Body Beautiful, then the title is one that Marline truly deserves. Marline is truly the true vision of the what a hot 100% Pinay morena should be. So there Marline, we dub thee the New Body Beautiful!